Friday, March 6, 2009

Kiev March 5th, 2009

Andre and one of K’s translators were here at 8am to pick us up and take us to the Embassy to get Marianna’s visa. We where told to go in and start the process as they went to the bus station and pickup Marianna’s passport. It was understood that Andre and the translator would be waiting on us outside when we got through.

Well, once we got into the Embassy and got started only to find out that we needed Marianna’s passport to get things going. We where able to get the forms that we needed to fill out, but we where told that nothing else could be done without the passport. We where told to go outside and wait. So, that’s what we did.

I didn’t think it would be too bad, we shouldn’t have to wait to long before our ride got back. After about 2 hrs and we where still waiting, one of the Embassy guards took pity on us and told me that Marianna and Adrienne could wait inside until our ride returned, but I would have to stay outside and wait.

I waited for another hour and a half when the guard returned and told me to write down the cars description and he would tell us when our driver had returned. He told me that I could go inside and wait with my family. The only problem was that I never looked at the car and I could not give him the right information. By the way, it was the coldest day ever and I had already started to catch Adrienne’s cold. I had to wait another half hour until they arrived.

Adrienne started to freak out as she was worried that we wouldn’t get everything done on time, and we wouldn’t be able to leave until next Tuesday. I took the passport and ran to the door to get into the Embassy. The translator took Adrienne and Marianna to the clinic to get Marianna checked out and I got things started in the Embassy. There was a nice lady that helped me finish the paperwork. Thank God!

Once Adrienne returned with the medical information on Marianna it went pretty quick after that. We where able to get an appointment at 2pm that afternoon and still have time for a quick lunch. We got back before 2 and we where the first ones in line. The interview went fast and we thought that we would have her visa that day, but NOOOO. We would have to come back in the morning to pick it up.

Everyone was nice to us at the Embassy and it really didn’t take that long. If only we didn’t have to wait outside in the cold, because we are now all sick together and I got the worst of it. My throat is sore as *^ll!

We got home and everything was better and Adrienne started to pack. We where going to be able to still make our weekend flight and all of a sudden Marianna came in with a bloody mouth and she was crying Texas tears! We thought she had fallen and hit her mouth, but no she hadn’t. It was a bad tooth and it was coming out like it, or not.

We called K and he had the translator take a taxi and picked us up so that we could take Marianna to see an all night Dentist. He said that he was the best in Kiev, but I have seen things over here that didn’t make me to trustworthy. As we got there the translator told Adrienne that we would have to wait outside the room as they took care of Marianna and she went in instead of us. We didn’t like that at all, but we did not have much of a choice. She came out in just minuets and they had pulled, or cut her tooth. We where told to take her to the States and have a Dentist look at her teeth. She didn’t seem to be in any pain at the time and she was ready to get out of there, so we went back to the flat.

We are now back at the flat and waiting for the next shoe to drop.

Gods speed, AKA Alice, the White Rabbit and the Princess

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